Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Pancake Mini Muffins

On Halloween night I actually dreamed of these...
With an overdose of my kids' candy & the convenience of facebook on my iPhone, I *thought* I saw a post with a recipe for these delights just before I fell asleep. When I awoke the next morning I was determined to find the post & make pancake mini muffins for breakfast.
Turns out somewhere in my chocolate induced coma what I really saw was a recipe for leftover Halloween candy muffins. (who has leftover candy & why would you make muffins with it....) I guess that just proves I should not eat mass quantities of chocolate & cruise facebook at bedtime.
Thank goodness for Google! I found a several different ways to make these from simple to seriously extreme. With 3 kids from 1-17 I stuck with simple of course!

To make 24 Pancake Mini Muffins
Preheat oven to 375°
Line mini muffin pan with cupcake liners or use non stick cooking spray (i like to use Pam)
Mix 1 1/2 cups of COMPLETE pancake mix with 1 cup water
Add about 1/8 cup of syrup (sugar free syrup works great)
Adjust water/ pancake mix amounts if needed- this should be cake batter consistency.
Fill muffin tins to the top & bake for 15-20 minutes

I like to add a bite size piece of precooked sausage- other variations are chocolate chips or fresh fruits.

Easy breakfast, happy kids, & NO sticky syrup hands :)